Cracking CA final course in the toughest scenario
The ca final results had been declared on 17th January and the result pattern shows a drastic and dynamic decrease trend. As far as the group 2 of the final is concerned the patterns shows the negative and discourage trends…
Most of the students now also think that the CA course is difficult to crack. It is not true. The institute cannot deny your legitimate students. There is no particular passing percentage as far as a CA course is concerned. There is many mistakes committing the students without knowing the facts that they are committing the mistake.
The ICAI had out some standards and quality over the course and it is really warranted. Once the bench mark is removed then CA Profession will lose its prominence and just become a Lawyers course or MBA course. If we had taken some precautions for the situation we can avoid the failure.
Surprise and twisting question
· Aim behind the surprise and lengthy questions
The main purpose of such questions is to test the problem solving and analytical ability of the students.
· Scope and coverage for CA exam
The CA exam question is not limited inside the ICAI material or prescribed reference book of the authors. If the surprise element is comes students losing their confidence and which is lead ultimately to the poor performance and ultimately the failure. Even if you had covered the scanner or suggested answer , you may be need to face challenging question in the exam
Traditional method of study
Those who writing the both group is unfortunately the prey for such disaster as they may be covered the material and suggested answer and even scanner.
If the similar type of questions appears in the exam they can crack but what happened if the surprise questions set. It is the slippery point set by the institute and many students will fall in to that pit. This is the main reason I think the both group student were failing aggregate mark for CA final. If you see the result trend of previous final exam, you can see that passing % is only 7.08%only.
No one is imagining about the surprise pattern of the question, so, it will affect to them only at the time of exam. In short student were fail to face the surprise set by the examiner in the exam. You just think that if the question set in the exam is surprise, obviously, it will be surprise to the others also and the over all performance of the students will be not up to the mark. Generally ICAI will not be tight in the valuation aspect. if you had written all the good point s to the questions you may be rewarded else, you will be out of the track.
What is the solution for the above problem?
First set in your mind that some surprise question will be set in the exam. Prepare mentally for cracking the surprise question. If you are sound in concept or you have good conceptual clarity, you can manage the surprise questions.
Concept Play a good role in the CA final Exam
Please understand the concept underlying the problems. The institute will not ask any irrelevant questions. All the questions are based on the concept. This correction you need to be made during the time of study. The surprise questions are the same concept with better question which may be outside the ICAI module , suggested answer or scanners. The clarity in the concept will help you for dealing such type of questions.
Effective method of studies
Please adopt the following mechanism
Step no 1 Understand the concept underlying the problems
Step no 2
Read the problems and try to solve it using the concept and without using the solutions.. If the solutions with you , need not work your brain. The same is the situation of those who under gone for coaching classes . Doing the problems with full solutions . This will enhance your thinking process and the same practice will surely help you for finding the solution for surprise gift given to you by the institute.
Note :- The above practice will consume your time..But if you not doing the above manner , you cannot handle the surprise questions in the exam . In the exam hall the students will be pressured .
Step no 3
Refer the scanners and suggested questions for Past years, this will give you variety type of questions….Please try to make a trend by referring the past questions as past is the base point for future.
Step no 4
Making a good notes of concept
Step no 5 Good time management skills
Surprise and lengthy questions requires good time management tact. First steps towards this are to allocate the time according to the mark allocated. Secuondly start writing the answers after reading the questions in one round.
Write the question that you feel more confidents and comfortable, but if you had reached the allocated time for the particular question better leave the question in that point of time as betterment of which will affect the performance of other answer.
Sum up
Step no 1 mental preparation for handling surprise questions.
Step no 2 good exercise with great emphasis on concept aspect
Step no 3 Solve the problems with out depending on the solutions
Step no 5 Good revision with Scanners and ICAI materials
Step no 5 A good Time management skills during the exam
Preparation before exam
Preparation before the exam has direct cause and effect relation ship. You need to work hard at the mean time act smart also.In sum, the hard work and smart work need to be balanced then you can surely get success in the exam.
Hard work and Smart work
You need to select the relevant area first from scanners and past question papers first. Understand the more relevant and less relevant portions and finalize it and prioritize the chapter according to the importance. Here , even if you cover 100% of the syllabi will not fetch any result. It may get the rank in other place also. Then Start hard work on the relevant area with the proper time
Step no 1
Start the study with either ICAI materials or reference book as the case may be( Most of the students will do the same usually)
Step no 2
After covering a particular area you need to go the exam question pattern , may it be case laws and you need to apply the concept there. Cover such type of question along with regular study.
Approaches for practical and Case law type of questions
In case of case law answer you need to split it in to Two parts .first one is Fact of the cases and second one is the relevant concept and finally give your good conclusion in this way the case law and application oriented theory questions can be handled.
Amendment and update before exam
You must be cautious about the amendment and update happened at least 6 month before the exam and also go through the other amendment. It is a normal trend of ICAI to set the question papers based on the amendment. Be vigilant about the update around you.
Make a habit of reading student news letter and journal of ICAI at least for taxation and Law matters.
Study cycle
Study accordingly the group you want to write.
The first round of study is the foundation or base. If the base is weaker then your structure will not be strong. Better you are making a time table based study. Fix a target for coverage .In this stage you may feel difficult in a particular subject better go for coaching exam MAFA, Cost management. Those who had written the exam may be covered the studies
Those who had failed in the exam were advised to understand their reason for failure and make a changes in your action plan for coming exam. Fix a time table, devote more time for studies .utilize the remaining 3 and half month for studies and studies only
Failure and fear to failure
Those who had failed and those who going to write the CA exam have the phenomena of failure. Those who had failed may be thinking that they cannot crack the course even if their good effort.
Analyses by your self that if you are thinking in the above way. If so change the mind set immediately . If you act smartly then you cannot fail for the exam .I had given the example as above .
Fear and fear to failure will lead to destroy your confidence. If you lost the confidence with you then it will affect your productivity aspect. Don’t be sad about the failure and don’t fear about the failure.
Now most of CA student those who had failed the exam is dishearted due to the Final result .
If you want to success, forget the failure first, some skills is sleeping inside your brain, now the time to stimulate the skills. You may be need to work too hard perhaps
Both group V/s Single group
In shipping business, some time due to bad climatical condition or other reasons the ship may face a dangerous situation due to over loaded weight of Cargo, what the captain will do that throwing away some of the goods in to the sea so that the ship can be sailed safely.
Likewise, during this three month of exam if you feel the over loaded phenomena due to writing both group, better to sacrifice those group which you feel less confident and comfortable and given your soul and body to be focused on a particular group. This may perhaps will help you for the coming May exam.
Wish you all the best