A Motivational Dose with Tears
- Presented By – CA Surendra Kumar Rakhecha -
Specially written for caclubindia users.
CA Course : Another Attempt
Now-a-days; it is said that CA results are good enough in comparison to old days. If the result is around 30%, it is said - Good Results !
But nobody sees the tears of the rest 70% of students. These 70% students feel that preparation were on the line suggested and working was also hard but just due to aggregate; result was not in favour. Some say that we revised the syllabus two times but still not got the mark(s).
We live in Majority System. Most of the students will tell - we prepared a lot !
But “where is the mistake” is hardly answered.
So the preparation is again started on the basis of “trial and error.”
The “basic UNKNOWN mistake” is continued till the success is achieved “by chance.”
The basic mistake is committed at the time of “Revision”; because the subject matter is learnt well but without any further improvement on the understanding of the subject; specially the practical application thereof. (This improvement should be made in the line of recent amendments, notifications, case laws etc. also. While preparing notes; enough space should be retained to incorporate all these important aspects).
Living legend Lata Mangeshkar is known as “Saraswati” in music.
She “riyazed” 69 times a song “Aye Mere Vatan Ke Logo, Jara Ankhon Me Bhar Lo Pani” whereas she is known as Melody Queen. (Refer this song at the time of CA results - at the cost of unsuccessful students; successful students enjoy !).
Could you find a mistake if the song was finalized in the very first attempt ! Then why she tried it for 69 times ?
The reason is – “Every next attempt was towards further improvement.”
Got the Point !
So whenever you go for revision; apply your mind towards it !
Try to Think - What value I can add in the present notes.
Today; to get the success we must add value. To have status quo of “Successful Person” we have to improve our performance regularly.
Practical Example:
You all will agree that the CA students have read about Accounting Principles & Accounting Standards so many times.
The “real” situation is - Even after reading the whole subject; most of the students are not able to explain clearly about Accounting Principles and Accounting Standards.
Similarly; they are not in a position to tell the difference between Accounting Standards and Accounting Principles. According to them; all this is Theory and accounting is concerned with Practical Sums.
Why ? They just read the topic and make notes which are neither liked by the students themselves nor liked by the examiner when answered in such form. You cannot make the examiner happy in this way. You have to add value in the form of some live examples wherever you find it necessary according to the weightage of marks allotted to the questions.
If this simple question is put before even qualified chartered accountants; I think we will find “a lot of answers” which may be far from the “the correct answer.”
That is why the Institute still treats these Accounting Standards as part of CPE Hours !
(Here I don’t want to comment on the “quality” of the Financial Statements certified by the majority of the chartered accountants – “Satyam” Shivam Sundaram !).
Got the Point again !
A large number of ex-students or the present students of chartered accountancy profession have “failed” to apply their Book Knowledge into Real Knowledge.
The sense of learning was not developed by most of the chartered accountants during their studies. That is why the Institute has forced them for Continuing Professional Education.
So dear one; rectify the mistakes from the root level.
Improve your “understanding” why we read accountancy ? To get the marks only or to have practical knowledge of accountancy ?
By just referring good books and good coaching you may qualify CA but you will not find ultimate position which a CA should enjoy in his life.
Sixer on Last Ball !
See the photo or statue of “Maa Saraswati” carefully.
What more I can say when “Saraswati” herself retains “Granths and Mala” in her hands all the time.
“Granths” in the form of “Books” and “Mala” in the form of “Revision” !!
So follow …………….(Fill in the blanks).
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