Method of studies
To become a successful in any domain motivation plays a great role...........CA too requires the great motivation. If you have failed then please change your mind set, you have gone some wrong , correct the same from the grass root level....... study systematically, keep making notes for theory papers.....If you read a single paragraph all the point in that paragraph is not relevant , do edit on the paragraph and write down in your note for future should try to break down the edited notes as many points as possible.Be master in your note .... Before going any paragraph, please understood the content of the paragraph thoroughly .....Learning process happens as follows.... Please read well a particular para, try to understand the matter.... cut the waste portion ........
For Problem Papers
Following good books is an important , you can select the book .......for some subject ICAI material is not so good say Tax........
Aiming your future exam, study each minor area with great care... try to give maximum attension on any tiny area also.......Try to study five sense approach..... first you read a theory papers , then you writ e the notes after editing irrelevant points,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,then try to re produce the content without refering the books... if you strucked inahny of the point then retry....
For problem you have to do the problem by uner standing the concept.... for thateigther you should work your own or undergo a good coaching centre............
Correction on weaker area
Focus more on the area you feel too weak........................
Study hardly every day and each moment....
Revise frequently .... otherwise what you studied will not be able to recap on the later stages.
Understand important area and do give better area on the relevant area..................
Repeated question in Past exam
More than 40% of the questions in the exams are repetative in take scanners and suggested answers..........................
Critical 3 month before exam,,
The last 2 to 3 month before exam will definitly determine your suceess.................Go 15 hours or beyond that................Stick on the scanners and suggested answers ..........Frequent revisions on the subject........................Stick on the note...........Give more perfections on your subject..............
Last 15 to 20 days before exams
You should be able to find 15 days or 20 days for the last round of Studies that alone will help you to clear out...............
Good presntaion
Good presentaion is the last weapon for success of the you studied is not help you presenting whatever you have studeid is .............
In that way iam able to achieve my CA........... If you following my path yu are also be a CA.................
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Is CA I P C C Result will be Favourable
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