Here Some tips For preparation of subjects within the time limit and can do better revision before exams.
1. First advice is do not think that you have 5 effective months to complete your studies. Now only 4 months are remaining and not the October. Keep it for full revision of all subjects.
2. Try to prepare for both the groups as there are high chances to clear exams if you appear for both groups. You can get set off with the other group you there are one or more favorite subjects or one or more subjects you are good in..
3. Take atleast 2 subjects daily. One theory and one practical to keep your mind calm and tensed free.
4. For DT for final student, do atleast 30 pages daily to complete the syllabus. its more than 1000 pages. For IDT, try to capture the rules and latest case studies. FOR DT and IDT a month before exams, you can get a book for case= laws from the ICAI branch. Try to read all the case laws. definately around 20 marks case laws will it be from there only. Only the figures and name will change. ( for DT B. ahuja and for IDT: bangar)
5. For DT for IPCC/PE2/PCC students, try to complete the five heads of Income first. Solve various types of Examples from G. Ahuja or Singhania.
6. For accounts, Solve atleast one example of amalgamation and Holding and subsidiary accounts daily. Only 1. It will keep you updated with the calculations. Chances are high that you forget in exams.
7. For Audit, refer to Padhuka. On the first pages there is chart prepared regarding weightage of questions from chapters. Try to complete the higher weightage chapters first.
8. For law, try to remmember the provisions. try to understand logically all the provisions. They are very simple. If you cant remember the sections, its completely ok.
9. Costing is the subject where many students fail to get even 40. Its been a very easy and scoring subject for me. You can easily get above 60 in it. Just try to apply your own logic with the examples. Underline the imp points in question first and than read it and solve it logically. There is no particular method or rules to solve costing problems. Please read costing theory which will help you to score marks. Dont Neglect theory. ITs very important.
10. Last but not the least is MICS. (Information system), try to complete it and revise atlest 3 times before your exam day. Use ICAI Module only for this subject. Most important is in this subject you will know the answers but you will forget that what is the Question for the answer. Try to underline the important words in the questions also. That will help to understand you answer.And attend 100 marks eventhough you dont know any question. write anything logical relating to the subjects.
>>> Best of LUCK....
* books are referred as per my experience and convinience.
thank u for giving this tips
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