Hello everyone....i got 6th rank in CPT so i thought i should share some of my tips in each subject to you people nd i would be very glad if they can be useful to you people nd i would be very glad if they can be useful to u in any way.......
We all the that in CPT only multiple option questions are asked.. and many students focus on solving more and more multiple choice questions nd ignore the subjective questions which are lengthy and they think it’s of no use in CPT exams.....BUT...may be by following this concept u will be able to clear CPT somehow but u wont succeed at IPCC of FINAL level....because CPT is the base nd if u dont have a strong base u cant build a strong building...
Try to solve as many subjective questions as possible bcoz students tend to lose habit of writing long answers nd solving lengthy questions if they focus just on multiple options...
If u have a good base of 11th nd 12th std then CPT Accounts wont bother u too much....just stick to the basics because most questions come from the most simple points which sometimes we ignore....again...Accounts is the main subject for a if u want to do well at higher levels of the course you should make your base from here i mentioned earlier also plz dont go for just multiple choice questions.....solve the most complex questions too nd dont ignore the theory part...
This is a new subject for you people...nd as i said CPT is the base...try to grab the concept because many questions in the exam wont be directly from the will have to apply your common sense nd u wil be able to answer correctly only if you have the correct concept in mind and trust me this will help a lot at IPCC level...
If you are thorough with 12th std eco...u wont have any problem in micro part...its easy but conceptual...dont try to learn it...just keep the concept and the answer will automatically come to your mind by just applying some common sense......u can keep the concept of graphs in mind and create your own answers...
Many students tend to leave these 50 marks totally bcoz they form an idea that they wont be able to solve it from the initial stage,,,plz dont do are leaving easy 20-30 marks on offer....
Basic idea of maths is very important to be a C.A.....thats why we see students from Science stream clear CA before the students from Commerce if u are leaving this subject completely u are digging ur own grave,....
In Maths nd Statistics u can easily fetch 20-30 marks coz many topics are very easy..just a sharp brain and basic knowledge of 10th level maths will be sufficient ......u can leave the complex things like calculus nd series if you are not good at maths,,(no need to solve the tough questions from the study material coz u wont get questions of that level from these topics)....last few chapters in statistics can be left if u are short of time...u wont lose more than 1-2 marks...
Macro part is complete theory nd u will have to learn it somehow...(ratta mar lo aur koi chara nahi hai..)...Its boring but 25 marks come from there....just learn it somehow....nothing can be done about it.....learn the dates even coz u get questions from there too...scanner will be very helpful....dont learn data of each and every year given..LEARN ONLY THE LATEST DATA AVAILABLE...
Lastly go for a scanner for all subjects (suchitra prakashan is the best)....u will get a fair idea of importance of each chapter in the exams....
the outcome of all your hard work depends on how well you utilise your 4 hours in the exam hall...please reach the exam hall on time and be equipped with all the required material...last minute hustle-bustle can have an adverse impact on your preparations....utilize each and every minute given to you...try to solve easy ones first...dont waste time if u are not able to solve any question...go ahead further nd come back to all questions you have left when you have finished the easy ones...this will give you confidence .....
PLEASE DONT TRY TO MATCH YOUR ANSWERS WITH YOUR NEIGHBOURS..its a crime nd if caught your dream of becoming a CA will be finished then and there...and even if you are not caught you might end up cancelling your correct answer and copying the wrong one from your neighbour...(EXAM HALL ME KOI KISI KA FRIEND NAHI HOTA..SO DONT TRUST ANYONE)...have confidence on calm...its a professional are bound to get trick focussed and dont get nervous....
These are my views of what i made out of CPT…hope u people got some useful information....GOOD LUCK...
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
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this is sneha bagla..if any cpt student has any querry in this regard u can ask me over here.....thanks
this is sneha bagla..if any cpt student has any querry in this regard u can ask me over here.....thanks
thanks a lot this information is so
useful for us.
hi my name is Jicku.I am going to write the dec 2010 cpt exam.So i want to know whether u can give any self-study tips as i didn't had time to go for coaching class............
hi i was a student of science stream and i have very well grabbed the concepts of a/c eco maths and law..the only thing left is stats..plz tell me what to do in that coz i dnt hav much tym left..waiting for your reply..
hi i am preparing to appear in CPT next month any last month tips???
well i am almost good at all d subjects except stats(sampling,theoretical distribution.
n i really want to score good marks...
need help
hello im Roshni,
i am preparing for CPT which will be held next month.
could u give me any last month tips to score really good marks???
@ jicku....plz stick to the institute's material..self study demands u to stick to the concept....and yes take help from scanner
@kashish...dont worry much about stats...stick to easy topics like central tendency and deviations and even probability...u can leave the last few chapters..they are not imp
@ khushi...dear rank is an individual self satisfaction and highlights ur qualifications...thats it...and i scored 97.6% in 12th cbse
roshni...u can leave those chapters..they dont carry much marks....focus on what u did till the scanner completely specially macro economics...many questions are repeated...just dont panic during exams..u will do well...keep cool..questions will be tricky but the answer is there in ur mind....just need to pull it out..
roshni...u can leave those chapters..they dont carry much marks....focus on what u did till the scanner completely specially macro economics...many questions are repeated...just dont panic during exams..u will do well...keep cool..questions will be tricky but the answer is there in ur mind....just need to pull it out..
roshni...u can leave those chapters..they dont carry much marks....focus on what u did till the scanner completely specially macro economics...many questions are repeated...just dont panic during exams..u will do well...keep cool..questions will be tricky but the answer is there in ur mind....just need to pull it out..
good luck well.....have confidence on urself but no over confidence..knowledge is a vast ocean.. try and enjoy taking a dip... u will rock...God bless
good luck well.....have confidence on urself but no over confidence..knowledge is a vast ocean.. try and enjoy taking a dip... u will rock...God bless
good luck well.....have confidence on urself but no over confidence..knowledge is a vast ocean.. try and enjoy taking a dip... u will rock...God bless
good luck well.....have confidence on urself but no over confidence..knowledge is a vast ocean.. try and enjoy taking a dip... u will rock...God bless
good luck well.....have confidence on urself but no over confidence..knowledge is a vast ocean.. try and enjoy taking a dip... u will rock...God bless
Nice Effort Sneha Bagla Jee..Keep share here
my pleasure sir....
my pleasure sir....
hey sneha... i m deepak .. i wnt 2 knw dat i hv attend cpt twice bt failed both times... in dec 2009 exam i was nt well & in june i was 100% sure dat i"ll able 2 clear it ... bt d results make me shock... i dnt knw in which subject i hv failed .. i hv expectd 125+ bt i scored only 86,, how is it possible yaar.. plz help me wat shud i do ....ya its true dat i hv nt attended so much ques. in maths bt in a/cs & law i hv attnd 96 ques in which i was sure 4 94.. plz give me some tips if you hv ny sample papers den plz send me my id:
Hello Snehajee...This is Satish.I am a little bit confused about the subject Economics(MACRO).My ICAI study mat. was printed in the year 2008 & the latest information there is upto 2007..So for DEC-2010 exam. is it necessary to collect more information upto 2009?? If so,from where can i get those??Plz Help.. my Email ID:
hello.. i am satish.i want to knw abt d latest informations in macro my study mat. i hav informations upto 2007..should i collect upto 2009?? if so frm where?? i want your help..
hie deepak...i would say u must be careful and alert to negative marking eating up ur marks...plz do not take too much risk..answer the questions in which u are at least 50% confident..otherwise leave it....and revise the answers at least twice coz the 4 options are very tricky and students make a lot of silly mistakes...we think the answer was right but eventually it turns out to be wrong,,,and i dont have any notes in soft copy...stick to institue's material and scanner...good luck...regards
i would suggest u all to see the icai website and check what inf they have in the book...i think u must have got the books now only..i mean for this exam u can trust on that or search icai website to see if there are any changes in the book...
u should see the data from the latest book..if u have got the book fr this exam then no need to worry ..u can trust on that.....and dont worry abt it much...wont be much of an issue ...and if u are not sure at the date plz dont attempt the question
Thankyou very much, ur information was very useful to me....
im appearing for this DEC, i.e on 19th..
im perfect with ACCOUNTS and LAW..
Im really afraid of ECO, i hav almost red Eco for 3-4 times.. but still some aspects are not clear for me..
so bit worried..
and QA almost imp topic i have covered except calculus and all.... :)
Thankyou.... :)
hello amit....u need not worry at all...At this stage i would suggest u to revise the scanner thrice at least for economics wont take much time but will work wonders ....keep confidence and solve micro economics problems with a lot of concentration coz things are gonna be a bit tricky.....and as i said keep on revising all answers in the exam hall not sit idle even for a minute...keep on revising again and again..coz we all make a lot of silly mistakes...good luck
Good evening Sneha Ji, I am appearing for CPT December 2010 exam. I have failed twice. June 2010 I got 78 marks. I do not know where I am making error. This time also I have been practising sincerely. Kindly guide me and advise me tips to attend CPT and succeed....Please reply to my email Thank you.
Good luck everyone for the exams.....stay cool and calm...god bless u ....:)
Thanks Sneha Ji, for your wishes.
hie sundar....i have posted my tips all the comments..u might find out where u are lacking in ur preparations......revert back with any specific query...good luck
hie sundar....i have posted my tips all the comments..u might find out where u are lacking in ur preparations......revert back with any specific query...good luck
hello is a very special day..its the birth day of the blog owner Vivek Sir..Many many happy returns of the day sir....
Wonderful effort was taken by sneha..I would like to bring one of her famous writing in CA club india after getting her permission to post the same
Thank you Sneha sunshine for being remembering my birth date and wishes....
sir u are embarrasing me by asking fr permission..u are an idol and inspiration for all of us and whatever i have done till now is all bcoz of God and well wisher's and motivators like u...thanx
All the best everone for tomorrow....May God bless u...good luck
SNEHA i got my result yesterday, i hav scored 95, i had expected 120..
Dont knw where my marks have lost :(
Im really depressed....
Pls help me out..
im unable to find out myself :(
im loosing hope.
And pls let me knw time table for online CPT, so that i can clear CPT without wasting my time..
So pls help me out as soon as possible....
i am also persuing c.a...
stuck with c.p.t...
i gave two attempts and every time i fail by 1 mark...
i wont say ..i cant do it..but i am in a shock...why i am not able to do it...i was a accounts and economics topper in class 12th... but its depressing...i am failing again
please help me out...
hello amit.... dont lose hope ... realise what mistakes u made this time and try to solve it as u can see u came very close to clearing the the scanner and gain command on easy chapters 1st to guarantee to 100 marks.....nd m sorry i dont have idea abt timings of online CPT...consult ur ICAI branch office ,......
revert back with any specific query..ready to help u..good luck
hie maddy...dont be tensed... 99 means u are almost there....just a thin line to the scanner and i think u must try to gain command over easy topics in maths and stats which will help u secure 100+....dont ignore the theory part anywhere..revert back with specific queries...
Hello Mam..
As there is ANNOUNCEMENT from ICAI that there will be change in pattern of CPT.
i.e min 30% in all subjects and aggregate of 50% in all....
I jst want to knw wether this pattern is applicable for coming CPT ONLINE EXAM also ??
im really tenesed, PLs help....!
hello Amit...i am not 100% confident whteher this rule is applicable for next online exam or far as i know it isnt..but m not sure...better make a call to ur ICAI branch office to clarify ur doubts,...they will provide the accurate wishes..
Hello sneha di!!!
My name is shyam kedia and i am also a commerce student like be honest u are my role model ..i study from the teacher from which u have studied i.e Maharana sir..
I keep each n every information about u that how u use to study in ur class 12th..
pls rply sneha di!!!!
hie shyam..good to hear from u...thanx fr the comments...wish u lots of success in all ur endeavours..
hie shyam..good to hear from u...thanx fr the comments...wish u lots of success in all ur endeavours..
hi..i just gave exams of my +2 and am to start cpt city don't have any good institute and i cant go out of my can uhelp me for self preparation..and books you recommend me to follow for all subject....and which exam should i follow...June(3 months remaining) or December...??
plz do suggest and reply me..
i am done with my +2 exams from commerce stream and am up to cpt city doesn't has any good institute so have to do self study. please give me useful tips to study and books you recommend me to follow...also i ahve 3 months for june attempt...which attempt should i give jne or december...
plz reply me as soon as possible..!!
Hie Krishna....see if u are good at basics of 11th and 12th level of commerce stream then CPT is not a tough cookie to crack....if u wanna appear fr June exam then just go for institute's module for all subjects..if u get time then revise some Economics and Accounts from ur 12th std books...this is more than enough..u can crack CPT this June only...and no need of coaching if its not available .. but i do advise u to take some expert knowledge or help in Mercantile Law coz it is the base and some twisted questions are take help of some senior if possible or else we are here to help ur queries wishes...Sneha
plz suggest me a scanner or 10 year paper to follow for my cpt..and which book should i use for mathematics...i didnt studied maths in my +1 and +2 so "thoda hath tight hei"....plz suggest me tips and a book to do maths also..!!
thnx in advance
Hie,..try to get suchitra prakashan scanner...and in case u havent done maths at 11th or 12th level then please stick to instutute moodule only..dont buy other books..solve the scanner...
Hie,..try to get suchitra prakashan scanner...and in case u havent done maths at 11th or 12th level then please stick to instutute moodule only..dont buy other books..solve the scanner...
thnx a lot for ur kind help and advice...!! hnank u...!
Hi my name is rohit I gave CPt exam on dec 2010 but din make it .I got 91 m really distressed dnt knw at to do
i parul gupta going to write june 11 cpt aspiring for atleast 125 marks ..i read ur information nd found it to b useful. i hve appeared in 12 comerce ths year with maths n eco as main subjects want to ask a question tht wht is scanner??
can u suggest any other book apart from institution material? pls rpl to ths at my id
hope 2 get prompt reply
thnk u
i parul gupta going to write june 11 cpt aspiring for atleast 125 marks ..i read ur information nd found it to b useful. i hve appeared in 12 comerce ths year with maths n eco as main subjects want to ask a question tht wht is scanner??
can u suggest any other book apart from institution material? pls rpl to ths at my id
hope 2 get prompt reply
thnk u
@rohit,,, not get tensed..u got 91 means u are almost there...realise what mistakes u made and try to remove those defects...try to gain control on easy chapters on all subjects 1st to assure u 100 not get tensed...if u dream to be a CA then u gotto have guts ..... Best wishes from my side...revert back with any kind of queries .. i will be happy if i could sort them out...thanx
Hie Parul..scanner is nothing but a collectio of past year exam questions which is easily available in the market..if u solve it u will get a feel of the exam pattern and type of questions frequently asked.. so i suggest everyone to solve it twice at least..i would say u can go fr any book for accountancy to practice multiple choice questions and any 12th std micro economics book for clearing ur basic concepts...anything more than that is not wishes..
Hie this is sathis..!!thanks for the tipsss!! i got 90 last attempt.!!! after reading u r tips i got sum guts and hope sure i ill pass... thanks a lot..!!
hii this is gaurav..i already gave an attmpt but it cant work fr me...bcoz i find maths very tough...plzz tell me something about my maths phobia in cpt.. June cpt exam in eco they put a wrong question that could provide me a 1 extra number...i didn't attended that question....can v get any bonus against that wrong question..!!
Hie Gaurav...see if u find Maths tough dont dig ur brain too much into it...but u can solve the easy chapters and can fetch 20-25 marks very very easily..chapters like percentage,ratio,AP,GP , central tendency,statistics theory are very very easy...and they carry a good do not leave Maths completely ... yes do not touch things like Calculus, etc. .. just solve the questions from the book and i can guarantee u will score at least regards!!
Hi sneha! I am gagan singh, passed out 12th standard with 81%, didn't attempted the june cpt coz books reached me late april. I hv sum queries regarding cpt-
*Are 5 months sufficient for scoring 180+ ?
*i am confused with which book to refer?
*as i hv been a commerce student without maths, so i hv a fair base in accountancy & eco, bt dis new subjects maths & law. In 1 sentence what sort of preparation is required for scoring 180+ . Also there are no fine accounts tutor in my town, bt i do hv 4 maths. Can u brief it for me, b'coz u can only answer my question, as u did a extraordinary one in ur attempt. What sort of books, are the institute materials & modules sufficient? How much time req, am i late? Whatever the route may be, is it poss 2 be conceptual upto dat extent! How? Can u plz help me out? Awaiting!!
hai?sneha mam!im bhanu i was preparing self study for cpt exam and im ready to write th e exam on dis december as and im from scienece group with90% marks could i able to qualify for it?
hi Sneha di,
I have just given cpt,june 11..but was not able to crack this tym,I'm highly depressed bcoz of my results,Ihad expected of about 110-120 but I scored only 98...I want to score atleast 180+ for my satisfaction..I wanna know that what sort of hardwork I'll have to put more to achieve my target as becoming C.A is my whole & soul aim...should I give december attempt or leave my dream here only and move on wid another option..plz help...
reply soon..
with regards,
cleared my cpt exam....thnx for your assistance.. :)
@Shruti..hello not be disappointed coz of the result..its just a matter of time ..u will definitely clear it in the next attempt..make sure u solve the scanner as well as all teh questions in the study material at least thrice before u appear next time so as to guarantee u 150 at least..and rest is ur hard work and intelligence...
@Bhanu..hie..90% in Science..and asking whether or not u will clear CPT...OMG!! That's a rhetorical question i guess...aim fr a rank...Being from Science stream doesnt mean u are nowhere when it comes to CA..u are intelligent..Maths will be a cake walk fr u are done with 50 marks already...150 marks..5 months..all is the limit..!! Good luck
will ca be a problem fr us if we are weak in maths only?
last year oly i completed my 12th... exactly by march 2011... and i din't go for graduation. so i attempted CACPT on JUNE 2011, i prepared well oly, bt i could nt pass sneha..
and again tried, prepared and i appeared for dec2011, stil i failed.. now what should i do.? and what is lacking on me sneha.???
sneha u,m too from dav bseb...i got your reference from mitra ma'm that you could help me a lot in this field...!!! i jst wanted to knw that can i clear cpt if m nt gud in calculus nd the complex quesions in maths...coz m confident that i can do very well in all d remaining subjects...specially accounts!!!m simply gr8 at it...all regards to maharana sir!!! so,plz suggest me sumthing regarding this...thanks!!!
Hey hi mayank...leave the calculus section if u are not confident abt it ...wont carry more than 1-2 marks so not to bother much..Gud luck
Hi Gautam...Failure doesnt mean u are not capable,,try again follow the tips given nd do ask me if u have any query..gud luck
i have 5 subjects in 12 class.
if i pass CPT and fail in 1 Subject,
say maths in 12 class.
is there any problem?
Hello sneha.........this is purva.......dear I need ur help as just 16 days r left for the xam n m in a state of confusion that how should I practice so dat I can easily crack da xam for da first time........plz suggest me how should I work on it as well plz do tell me dat in acc theory portion is on weightage or practical n also how should I work out on law............
With regards
hi sneha ji m akansha , m going to give cpt entrance in dec n is a non math comerse streme m really worried abt that n want to clear it without coaching i can get math's guidance....but not sure where to start n how to do n score max in this short period of time as m not familiar with math's..please guide
hi sneha mam m akansha , m going to give my cpt in dec n is a non math comerse student m not sure what to start with in math's n where to start how to complete it effectively please guide me as i dont know wheightage of each chapter's please help me through about the more scoring topics to do first please..
hi sneha mam m akansha , m going to give my cpt in dec n is a non math comerse student m not sure what to start with in math's n where to start how to complete it effectively please guide me as i dont know wheightage of each chapter's please help me through about the more scoring topics to do first please..
Hey i am a science student and i like CA course, hence i want to give it in 2014. However, i am also preparing for AIEEE and hence i can bear 2 hrs a day for CPT. Will this much dedication give results in 2014 exams? I rank among top 20 in school
hai i m sai mohan sneha is it useful to study the volume 1&2 after studying all the topics of all 4 subjects plz give me rply.............
hey ...actually ...i wanted to know there any possibility to clear im doing enginnering..........n im good in stat n science ..realted topics ..if its possible can i manage ...these other topics...
Sneha didi my name is sachin & i m a science student i m plannin to give the cpt which will be hheld in june 2013 however i dnt knw wat to do about accounts section pls help me...shud i try to learn accounts after my cbse exams or should i jst stick with all other things i know plss H.E.L.P
sneha di pls help me i m a science student apearing for the cpt exam in june 2013 however i dnt knw accounts like any other science student wat shud i do? shud i study accounts after my cbse exams or shud i stick with wat i knw
hi sneha...hope u r doing well...i've recently cracked 10 std. i've taken i'm confused about optional subject...should i take business maths or simply maths??? Which one would help me in cpt??? Plzzz suggest me about this...regards...!!!
hello i am a cpt student and i am a non maths student i really have a fear from maths i planned to leave out those 50 marks but unfortunately the 30% rule is applicable so please suggest me wheather to take tutions or can be done at home by self study .
hey am a bcom first yr student. is self study for cpt dec 2013 enough? ne recommended books? thanks
hey m a first yr bcom . is self study enough for cpt dec2013? ne recommended books ? thnks suvash just join for cpt plz suggest to be best and to get excellent marks....and i have not any base for economics what should i do....plz suggest....
hello i am saket....i want to start for ca and i am in b com 3rd year now....what should i do......i am from patna city...... :)
Hiii i was in tension bcoz i don' t no any thing in maths and statics plz give me some tips of maths &statics and the exam is on the date it is 16 . Plz tell me fast as early as possible
helo sneha di.....
i passed my 12th std in 2013 with pcm stream but now i am appearing for december 2013 cpt exam and now i have good concept of accounts......
so jst need ur advice and guidelines so that i can also crack cpt...
waiting for reply.....
Hello sneha my name is shubham i register at icai in 2013 n i m science student pls tel me how i study acount
i am a science background student and wanna ask u how 2 prepare form account
hello sneha di! i m a student of class 11 i hav opted for i.p. instead of maths as i m not storng in maths and that could adversely effect my 12 % so should i join some couching for cpt exam
Hi i m dhruv i got failed in cpt 3 times and every time my marks were almost same . I scored 94 marks this time. And my dream is to become c.a only so im giiving the next dec attempt also so please guide me for this cpt attempt .
Hi i m dhruv i got failed in cpt 3 times and every time my marks were almost same . I scored 94 marks this time. And my dream is to become a c.a only so im giiving the next dec attempt also so please guide me for this cpt attempt .
Sneha mam please tell me that, ICAI ki books se ques aate hai in CPT exams or not? Am preparing for dec attemp. Answer me asap , please! Thanks!
i am a really weak student ... i have just started my cpt level.. can you give me some tips on how to study cause i get bored even if i see those books..... and how can you study maths i am realy weak at maths.. pmease helap
Hi sneha i want to know that should we have to attend tutions or classes for cpt or can we do self study for it
im nt gng too use scanner coz modul is suffient so i should use scanner or nt....
in nt gng too used scanner it is allright
i just want to know that , what is the marks alloted to each chapter of Merchantil Law...??
which part is more imp according to exam papers ??
so that i could probably concentrate on that part more...
Hey Sneha di I'm Dolly Wadhwa Please help me i don't no What Well i do in THis exam mujhe kuch sumaja nh aa raha ki mai kya kro kya ap mujhe CPT ke Important chpter bta sakte ho mujhe nh pta kya kro or ab timr bhi nh hai DEc 2013 mai exam hai mera or kuch qust bhi Please Please Please help me OR Reply this mail
Hello I am a student of cpt m confused about maths.pls suggest me some books for studing QE. PLZ
Hello I am a student of cpt m confused about maths.pls suggest me some books for studing QE. PLZ
Hello I am a student of cpt m confused about maths.pls suggest me some books for studing QE. PLZ
Hello I m ekta n cpt student...I hv n attempt on dec 15....I had cleared my concepts in accounts n gud in law bt little bit worried abt economics...n except module in each sub wht shall I extra read to just revise in dis 15 days???
N thnx 4 sharing all dis.....
hello sneha didu... am chandana frm banglore i completed my 12th n directly writing cpt!!! dis dec em gvng my first attempt.. i hv covered almost d portion bt em bit scared coz its my first attempt n...em studying calmly... bt ppl around r preussurizing n panicking.. em studying as usual.. bt.. confidence level is getting dwn day by day.. so plzz.. help me out.. hw to get out dis stresss.. em nt able to handle it out... i read all d posts n ua replies... em seriously impressed by yu.. :) n ua replies...
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