Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Few words to those who writing CA November exam

Dear Friends and Members,
There is two more months for November examination.  Even if you had not done your preparation well also have possibility to clear your forthcoming November exam. Need to utilise the remaining time in a best possible manner.
Think passing or getting a rank in your CA exam is still also possible. For that destiny, your preparation, dedication for studies for 2 months and a good smart and hard work is required. If you are doing the right way, then success is yours.  Nothing is impossible.
Give your mind a positive impact and importance of CA exam just like an Olympic game. Hard practise if you put in to force now, this moment onwards then who will prevent you for the success of this time. But only you need to arise according to the opportunity at your disposal, because opportunity will knock only first time and same opportunity will never be knocked.
·        Frame a good time table first. Does not matter even if your preparation is in one way and time table is in other way.
·        Take difficult subject in the best time and easy subject in your most exhausted time.
·        Give more time for a difficult subject and adequate time for the remaining subject.
·        Try to cover all the subject prop*rnatly rather than covering some subject or one subject since this practise will kill your interest towards studies and your studies become boring.
·        Obtain the scanners and suggested answers for understanding the pattern of questions.
·        Within each subject classify each chapter as most important, important and least important according to the weightage in the exam. Give focus and concentration accordingly.
·        Never be selective , must cover all the chapters irrespective of its relevant or important since it is a professional exam and you cant predict from where and how the questions will be set in the exam.
·        Never try to mug up or by heart method, rather understand the concepts and logics, so that your studies shall be so interesting.
·         Avoid the method that you had succeeded in graduate level or post graduate level. Try different method of studies.
·        Give a good weightage for revision else what ever you had learned will be lost and which will result to poor presentation and bad result.
·        Try to frame Group studies for problems papers (MAFA, Accounts) if you can.
·        You can follow the materials along with one good reference book. Some of the subject you need to refer Reference book( Income Tax) and some cases module is best ( Infotech and SM)
·        Adopt different method of studies for problems and theory. Adopt different study strategy for each of the theory and problems paper. Your strategy must be differing according to the subject and according to the difficult level.
·        Example for costing, get a grip over concepts and apply the concepts over the practical problems. There may be so many slippery points with this area. For Income tax, read the provision, get a clear picture over the provisions and try to solve the problems with a clear vision of provisions Etc.
·        Make your short term goals such as Clearing both or single group and fix a contribution over each and every individual paper. But minimum contribution from one paper shall not beyond 50 marks. This means you need to fix a target which is not below 50 marks. Give 10 more additional contribution to the easy subject of yours.
·        Make a habit of making a good study notes for theory subject. Notes preparation is not an easy exercise. It requires some skills such as extracting the required details and document in a manner that you can retrieve the same in any later point of time.
·        Keep away negative people and negative environments. This has an adverse impact on your studies.
·        Try for a mnemonic method (Abbreviation method) of studies for heading and sub heading.
·        Try to find out a good time for your studies. Your working hours shall be productive, and then only you can achieve your ultimate destiny. Try for a 15 productive hours, in that process you can achieve at least 8 to 10 productive hours.
·        Best preparation and poor presentation in the exam may cause failure. Try to present the answer in the way of relevant points and  sub point wise rather than an essay type presentation.
·        Give your mind a positive impact and importance of CA exam just like an Olympic game. Hard practise if you put in to force now , this moment onwards then who will prevent you for the success of this time
All the best
Vivek M

Friday, September 24, 2010

Be positive your November exam is approaching

Dear friends and members
How you can success the forthcoming exam?  Please borne in mind that better be late than never.  This means even if you not did your studies well till this moment and start studies even today have also the chance of success.
Give the positive feed back to the brain ..YOU CAN
 Are you willing for a good hard work today onwards?  If the answer is yes, then, start it now onwards. Give a positive feed back to your brain that you can clear and you are going to clear, that will automatically create a lot of powerful positive energy. Don’t mind even if you had failed just now or many attempts.
Regain your Confidence
When you fail, it will automatically diminish your confidence. If you continue to fail even after your good hard work also have the effect of loosing the confidence.  Here you first regain your confidence first.  Identify the reason for failure and try to find out a way for coming out of your problems. Please understand that it is a psychological only. But Change your focus from failure to for coming success and be think positively and do a good hard and smart work plan. Only the confidence is the key.
Framing a study schedule and stick on it
Make a formal study plan now onwards; fix a time table for various subjects and  try to adhere to the schedule.
Understand the pattern and relevant chapters with the help of scanners and suggested answers But never ever do a selective studies on that basis.
Effective study
Understand the logics, concepts, (Pros and cons)of every  subject.  Then try to make good notes then try to reproduce by referring to your notes and a quick revision on the same day. Please do the same for relevant area at least. But keep a good goal for clearing your exam.  The goal is your destination and you will find many means for reaching your destination
Take very tough subject in your good time and an easy subject for your non productive time. Pay more attention to weaker subject or weaker topics.
Revision>> Retention for exam>>better presentation for exam
Give more weight ages for revision. You need to retain whatever you had learned  up to the date of your exam. Only the effective learning will help you to retain the information over a long period of time. What is effective learning?  Understand the pros and cons with good clarity and quick revision of the same.  So do more quick revision that is only the solution.
Use following technique
Read>>>understand the pros and Cons>> Make a good note >>Try to repeat the main points with the help of key notes>> Quick revision on the same day>>
Nothing is impossible, You must work hard and smart the success will be yours for the coming exam
All the best
May your entire dream become true

Is CA I P C C Result will be Favourable

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