Sunday, October 24, 2010

Last moment strategy for your november exam..Please look in to this

My dear Students
Some of our friends are going to write November exam and there is virtually 10 to 15 days in front of them.
Please borne in mind that at how well you had prepared, you may be not free from the tension about perfection and completion of the studies. They may be pressured and worried about the days remaining for their examination. These worries will take away your effectiveness and as a result your revision will be poor and poor revision will lead to poor performance in your exam and poor result.
Worries>>Reduce your effectiveness>>Poor revision>>Poor performance>>Poor result.
What is your root cause of poor result?
Worries about the exam
What is the reason for worries?
i)                   Over concern about the exam
ii)                 Lack of confidence
iii)               Poor preparation and over burden to complete
First two causes are purely related with behavior of the students. It may be reduced by visiting temple or Yoga or meditation. Think positively, you can regain the confidence.
But last reason poor preparation is direct relationship with your goals and mental state. You need to change your mind set.
Finishing touch       Full Attention
These are the last moment before your exam. You may be over worked and may be feel tired. Here you are required to have full concentration and better learning since better preparation only can lead to better presentation in exam. If you are good in preparation you will automatically be good in presentation part also. Some were not able to remember or not able to give focus due to pressure...Leave the pressure..Regain the confidence and think that you can.
Mental preparation
Your mind must be upgraded with the seriousness of the exam and depth of the course, care must be taken to ensure that these two factor must not lead to any tension or pressure that is really harm from the exam point of view.
Give the importance of playing the world cup tournament. If you had practiced well, you will be in else some one will enter in your place. Raise your mind and try to bring all your ability during these last moment or days before  the exam.
What is not impossible will be possible on a later point of time
How, it is due to constant hard effort. Firstly you must require to have a strong believe that you will clear this coming exam and do a right hard work. You must see you will clear the exam.
Stick on Scanners and suggested answers for understanding most relevant area. Make sure that you had done well in this relevant area. (For Final Audit Professional ethics).
Don’t interact with negative people who will eat up your productivity
Don’t mingle with your friends until complete the exam.
Switch off your mobile, remove the sim, be calm.
Don’t use internet, chat.
All the best
For more personal queries you can mail me the below ID
Those who want to interact with me through phone , please let me to know


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