Here is a list of suggestions which will help you improve your power of concentration
TIPS no 1
Select a place you like to study and where there are few distractions
TIPS no 2
Plan your study time so that you will have enough time to finish your work.
TIPS no 3
Make sure that you have all the materials and resources you need to finish the assignment.
TIPS no 4
Develop a positive mental attitude to the task ahead. Think about finishing your work and try to do well.
TIPS no 5
Remember your purpose for studying and make this your goal. Question yourself about what you are studying and then read actively for the answers.
TIPS no 6
Work in short sessions of forty to fifty minutes and take regular breaks to avoid getting tired.
TIPS no 7
Make notes and summaries of the main points you are studying and refer to them to check your progress
TIPS no 8
Break your work into smaller units of study and mark each unit off as you complete it.
Factors distract your concentration. Check it and correct it
- A lack of interest in the material
- The material is too difficult
- A lack of motivation
- A lack of suitable goal
- Too much noise or activity around you
- Emotional problems
- Being tired
- Having to much to do
- Not being prepared to read and study
Lack of motivation and suitable goals
A major cause of not concentrating is not being interested in the work. If you are studying something you really want to, your attention generally will remain keen.
However, when you are reading something that you consider dull or boring, you will usually find it difficult. This is probably because you didn't prepare yourself properly to work on the task. If your lack of concentration is due to being tired or not being motivated, you may have to postpone the work until a more suitable time. Certainly a wise use of available time to read and study is one of the best remedies.
All the best
CA vivek M
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